Hi, not sure if anyone will remember me but I used to post here pretty often. Things are going pretty okay-ish for me, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here because I want to apologize for a post I made months and months ago, where I was quite disrespectful and irrationally accusatory towards people who tried to help others by encouraging positivity. Something along those lines, I’m pretty sure (the post has long since been deleted by me). Looking back now, I think my post was toxic and could have hurt someone. I’m very sorry, I didn’t know any better. Most people on here […]
Hey everyone, it’s been a while. I’m not sure how many of you remember me, but I was often active here earlier this year. Anyway, I thought that you people deserve an update on my life lol.
I’m doing better now. A lot better. Not great, but definitely alright. I don’t really know how or when I started feeling better, but for some reason my depression became a lot more mild. When I was at my worst, this place helped me a lot. It was nice to feel understood, and you guys were genuinely helpful and sincere. Thankyou for that. There were a few times where I […]
I miss him. I miss him so much, even though it’s been months since he passed. He was such a gentle, kind, yet energetic and crazy doggo.
I’ve had him ever since I can remember, he’s been there for me for my whole childhood. It might sound weird, but he was like a sibling to me. No, more than that. If a dog could be a soulmate, then he was mine.
In a way, he lived through similar things like me. He experienced some of my parent’s abuse, he was there for me when they argued or when I got yelled at.
When I was around 12 or 13, […]
There’s this one song called “Saturn”, by Sleeping at last. I find it so fucking beautiful. I don’t know how many of you will see this, bother to listen to it, or if you’ll actually like it but I wanted to share.
I hate spending my weekends with my abusive parents. I hate it. I fucking hate it. Something bad always happens that brings back my suicidal thoughts. I wish I could turn 18 and so I could just leave already.
This is more of a fun post, not suicide or depression related.
My bucket list is not very long but this is a new thing I just added, and I think you all should too: Eat a sandwich with cutlery.
Definitely something everyone should experience at least once in their life.
The title pretty much explains it. I cant tell anyone Im suicidal and how bad my depression is. My parents are abusive, and they already yell at me for being lazy. To top it off, my mum believes that depression is caused by too much screen time, which is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time. Technology is the only thing keeping me alive. Its almost laughable how my parents say I can tell them anything but then they re like this. I do have friends but if I told them they would probably tell my parents. I ve tried talking […]