Maybe its just me begging for attention. But people don’t care about me. And the sad thing is.. They lie about it… They hardly bother to even check with me. To see if I’m okay… There goes our Relationship. Thank you for skrewing it up. But I guess that’s what I get for trusting a Lier/Thief.. They told me about you yet they’re befriending .. They’re gonna get hurt.
Well I don’t want to make a big deal about this, I just wanted to let it out. but it just hurts me when people use me. I know I let it happen to myself but the people that I thought I loved are the ones using me. You’d think you were finally happy and you finally had someone you could lean on.. But nope. In just five seconds they turn on you and you’re left alone.. I wish I had someone who I know would never drop me.