If you found out that you were a subject (victim) of nonconsenting government testing which includes mental torture and manipulation, extreme harassment and 24/7 monitoring and invasion of personal space including cameras and bugs found inside home and had everything important that you worked extremely hard to reach in your life raped from you because of this, would you want to continue living in this society? I rest my case.
I took the biggest leap in attempting to exit last night and it failed… obviously. So many things could have gone wrong or the helium wasn’t as pure as I was led to believe, but once I put the bag on, I was so sure I’d be a goner. Two days prior and I failed hanging myself nearly 30 different times/positions. I am in a state of regrouping as I will try until success… I can almost see my last resort being to fully hang myself (full suspension bs my failed partial suspension) but not until I try once more with the helium… and not […]