I’m wanting my pills again. I know where I can get some too… I’m craving them. Badly. I obviously haven’t and won’t stop cutting. I just I don’t know. I know it’s not good but I ant them so bad.
It’s not worth it anymore. I don’t know how much longer I can take this damn depression go away or all of the stress… What am I supposed to do? I can’t take anymore… maybe it’s best to break… oh,… oh, wait I can’t anymore I’ve already reached the maximum of that. Goodbye… for a little at least.
Life does suck day in and day out. That’s just how it goes. Unfortunately, (and I know I say that a lot) we don’t really have a lot of control over it. Shit happens and you may get depressed… You may cut. You may even think about taking your own life away just so you don’t have to deal with anymore of it. But think, that boyfriend or girlfriend who just cheated on you, that boss that just fired you, or those damn teenagers who bully you whether it’s all the time or just once, can always fuck off and get lost. Stay strong guys.
My mom after/still on drugs
My father, at home for once, but asleep anyway…
I’ve been wondering how long I’ve really missed the love and care from my family. None of my family cares anymore. I don’t know why, but I just miss the hugs and alone time with my mom and dad. I […]
I wish my parents still cared… I feel alone but I also know that I’ve been pushing everyone away. I don’t know what to do anymore.
My depression causes me to cry without any sounds of crying. I’m empty… Restless… Forgotten… Shaking… Goodbye?
I’ve lost it again… That happiness that made me feel all bubbly again. Unfortunately my depression disorder gets the best of me in the end. Fuck… I don’t choose to be like this. It just happens. I don’t try to make myself have anxiety attacks everyday. I don’t try to shake. I know I ignore people but that’s only because I don’t want to hurt them with myself. I’m just unreasonably depressed once again. Any suggestions on how to stop the disorder???
I’ve been better lately… I honestly have been self harm free for two days. Mainly with the help of you guys. You guys are amazing and awesome, thank you so much. For all of you who are thinking, “it will never get better,” please stop thinking that, because it will eventually. I’m here for guys, just as much as you are for me.
I’m sorry I ever saw you in the hall.
I’m sorry I ever met you at the mall.
I’m sorry I fell head over heals for you.
I should’ve known it was too good to be true.
For my love is not enough.
Life is just so tough…
-A poem I wrote a few months ago.
I’ve been through a lot within the past two days. I lost my best friend because of her thinking I was sleeping with her boyfriend and I wasn’t. He was wanting to and she saw his messages on my phone and doesn’t believe me. I recently dyed my hair black and pink and I look scene. Yes, I guess you could call me that, but I don’t want you calling me a “scene emo faggott going through stupid phases. I didn’t realize how bad rumors would spread or start from my friend. Now I’m the new freshmen scene emo ****** who’s an attention whore and […]