ok so last night I was in my room in complete darkness listening to some catchy tunes. Then I felt really…cold.. and uncomfortable so I went out to the living room (basicaly the whole house was dark) My mom was in another room (the office), and the light shined over towards where I was. I looked at my shadow and instantly wanted to go hang myself, so I raced back to my bedroom and begun the process but stopped myself
Why’d this happen? I could barely control myself, so maybe it was an impulse of some sort?
I want to kill myself badly, but I have no legitimate reason, just... curious i guess... HAHAHAHA just kidding my life fucking sucks! Anyway I'm a 16 yr old Canadian boi
I think it’d be a pretty cool day to die, either that or January 11th, what do you guys think?
Hey, gonna go on a vent rage here. lol
Anyway, I don’t get it! Why do they openly act like they have issues when in most cases, they’re just bitches playing the part? I can bet my life that they aren’t actually depressed or suicidal but instead, dress in black and cry. I mean it just pisses me off, bleh
I’m just wondering how old you guys are because i think maybe depression and suicidal thoughts might be more common in the younger ages but, maybe I’m wrong What do you think?
Ok so yesterday and all of summer I wanted to end my life, Just today I’m coming  up with ways to get better and be successful, maybe school played a part. because as I was in my classes i kept thinking how in 2 years, they won’t matter, We all go our own separate ways! and I’ll never have to see them again…ever It’s comforting when you keep thinking that way instead of a suicidal way.
Unfortunately I am still most likely going to kill myself, but not any time soon, I’m gonna try and if life doesn’t work out then… we’ll see right?
Lately I’ve been having some less suicide based thoughts and more homicidal ones. Starting to scare myself a bit, what about you guys? ever thought about killing instead of dying?
Ok so I’ve been reading around various online forums and, MANY people say that when you hang yourself (no neck breaking) it takes about 30 seconds to go unconcious, i agree with that because of my experiences, they also say it takes 3-4 minutes for your brain to basically die, and up to 20 minutes for your heart to stop beating. Is this true? what do you think?
So yeah I sort of set a date I want to terminate my life on, have you ever set a date?? I am actually worried I might chicken out or something…
Hey, I just want to let somebody know my story so here it is! Also I may need someone else’s opinion.. When I was 13, I tried to hang myself and it almost worked, Â but I was using a belt and it must’ve snapped because I blacked out and woke up 10 minutes later. Anyway, I’m 16 now and I really want to get it right this time. So my question is… What do you suggest I do?