Has anyone failed a heroin overdose? Was it painful/scary? Just want some experiences.. Already looked it up online, some say it’s painful some say it’s not
Okay so friday morning I am planning on taking my life (hopefully I will succeed). I feel sadness but relief at the same time. I wish things were different, but they are not. Some of us are just doomed I guess. Now are there things I should do before killing myself? I am making sure I’ll take a shower, brush my teeth (I know that might sound weird, but I want to die clean). Is it bad to have your pj’s on while taking your life?
Whoever created me: you deserve a big middle finger
I don’t want to wake up tomorrow again in this hell hole I really had enough. How much bad luck can a person have like really
If only I lived in Mexico
So i am planning on taking my life next week. I have a question about something. I already wrote my suicide note and i am really worried about my mother. I want her to think it was a natural death and not suicide for 2 reasons: she is the sweetest person on this earth and she would blame herself and also she is very religious and her life would be miserable because she would be convinced that I will be in hell. So if i write on my suicide note to the doctor/paramedics (who find me) that they should’t tell her it was suicide, but […]
How many members on sp are incapable of loving/being compassionate?
I realllly really need to die asap I can’t deal with this anymore it’s too much. I hate every single day. Why is everybody scamming with N why :'(
It could’ve been worse you know.. Imagine that death did not exist and you had to live this life for an eternity..
Ever had anesthesia (for surgery)? I think that’s how death feels..
Impatiently waiting for my package to arrive so that I can kill myself finally. It can take 5 to 10 days. I just can’t wait no more.. If it won’t be here quickly I swear I am going to kill myself, oh wait..
I wonder how many people on SP have an abusive/crazy parent.. The root of all evil
If you could be somebody else, who would you be? It can be a celebrity, animal whatever.. (Rivets I know you would want to be a cat)
What did I do wrong to be/feel like this? So many happy people out there..
I hate my fucking narcissistic sisters and their stupid narcissistic kids. When they come and visit us (at my parents house). I just run upstairs and isolate myself. are there people who isolate themselves from others too? Just waiting for my package to arrive next week so I can finally take my life and rest in fucking peace
Those who don’t believe in an afterlife (me personally hope there is nothing after death, but I don’t know), what about mediums?
‘suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems’. I HATE THIS SAYING. MY PROBLEMS ARE NOT TEMPORARY
Is there anybody on SP who has a ‘normal’ and happy life, but has an extreme desire to be dead (without a known reason). I have always found this fascinating
How do you overcome the fear of death?
What’s your favorite part of the day? Mine is going to bed and hoping to never wake up again