How is this life so great for some and so miserable for others
I want to die so badly. But there’s something that scares me. Not the thought of death itself, but the thought of being under the ground and eaten by disgusting insects
It is MY life, why can’t I choose for MY death? It’s so frustrating that we don’t have access to lethal meds
Anybody who had a near death experience?
I found me some Nem on the dark web. Hopefully it’s not a scam. Can not give any more information (rules). This gave me some kind of peace and rest
why does my post about medication get deleted? It says nothing about an exact method..
Live a life they said, it will be fun they said
You know what would be really fair? If we had 2 choices at birth. The first one is whether you want to live or not. If yes, the second one would be choosing your own personality and character traits. Stupid arbirtrariness.
Would you prefer to go to heaven after death or sleep forever?
It is really frustrating when you know exactly how much medications you need to die in a peaceful way, but you don’t have access to them. If only I was a doctor so that I would be able to prescribe them to myself
Am I the only one or are there people who recognise this? So you have these suicidal thoughts and you are relieved because you think you can escape this world and misery. But then you come to the realisation that it is extremely hard to kill yourself (convincing, but also good method). And that’s when the real suffering begins. When you want out, but you can’t
I used to be scared of a possibility of hell. I came to a point where my life is so terrible that I don’t even give a fuck anymore. Hell or black void whatever there is I am ready. And God if you exist, YOU HAVE A LOT TO EXPLAIN
Are there more people who are really scared of the future and know you will be even more miserable so that’s what motivates you more to commit suicide?
If only my mother didn’t care so much about me. It would have been so much easier to kill myself
This night my heart ached so much. I even started sweating. I was so happy I thought I was dying, but after 5 minutes it went over. Thanks for the false hope stupid universe
What is holding me back from suicide is being scared of the pain and scared of a possibility of going to hell (I know one day I will get over this and commit suicide anyway). What is yours?:
-fear of pain
-fear of death
-fear of hell
-guilt towards family/friends
-hope that it will get better
I hate my narcissistic sisters I hate them i hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them. One just asked me ‘so how is your depression going? Oh I think you should just fight it harder.’ F*** off stupid *****, as if you really care.
Ok so this is awkward. I wrote my suicide note and left it in my room on my desk for when I was going to be ready (nobody normally comes in my room). I heard my sister went upstairs and I think she read it. I am not sure. It is so awkward now to look her in the eyes. Not sure if she read it or not…
I hate happy people. I am so jealous of them. I wasn’t made to be happy. Never will. It’s the happy people that force us to stay alive
I am really mad and angry. Mad because there is no quick way out. djksmsjdjdkskdk sorry I am really frustrated