I go from being manic to being depressed. Sometimes a little of both at the same time.
I go from being on top of the world to just wanting to die.
This cycle never ends… Im not sure what it’s like to feel normal…
I wish I was normal, but at the same time I don’t.
I like being manic too much. That’s why I always stop taking the meds. I wish I could be manic forever…
It never ends…
Little angel, don’t you see how beautiful you are?
It’s time to stand up and wipe the tears from your eyes.
You are fighting this hopelessness and the end  seems so far.
For every second that passes, it feels like a part of you dies.
And they make you feel as if your feelings are not up to par.
But it is time to be strong cus I’m right beside you, fighting the lies
You’ve been fighting for so long,
Little Angel
Can’t you feel that you are strong,
Little Angel
Because it is in you that I see hope,
Little Angel
It was you who […]
Little angel, don’t you see how beautiful you are?
It’s time to stand up and wipe the blood from your eyes.
You are fighting this hopelessness and the end  seems so far.
For every second that passes, it feels like a part of you dies.
And they make you feel as if your feelings are not up to par.
But it is time to be strong cus I’m right beside you, fighting the lies
The old me held on to hatred
The new me holds on to love
The old me would hurt others on a whim
The new me tries to help others whenever possible
The old me hated the world
The new me loves the world
The old me embraced the Darkness
The new me embraces the Light
The old me signed a contract with the Devil
The new me has given himself to Life
The old me thought that he was a god
The new me knows that he is a servant
The old me was a masochist
The new me is an optimistÂ
The old […]
I understand completely what it’s like to be there. I’ve tried to commit suicide 8 times. But, you have to learn to see that your beautiful. I know I don’t know you, but I’ve learned to see that all life is beautiful. You deserve to be happy. Just sit down and meditate. Just let the ground support you. Bring your attention to your breathing. Let all of your thoughts and emotions pass by you. All you are focusing on is your breathing. Visualize your breath as you inhale and exhale. Feel the wind passing through your body. And keep in mind that all life is […]
Hi all. I’m feeling empty and alone. I feel like I have no friends. People make me feel like an outcast. I have social anxiety and am constantly worried about people judging me. I feel like everyone is against me. My therapist thinks that I may have borderline personality disorder as I sometimes cut and I seem to have trust/abandonment issues. Thank you for reading this.