(video not mine)
Lying down
Faint light shining through the window
Our star’s light is altered by our water, floating through the air
And yet science explains it all, as normal
People say no to the world, they must be crazy
People put man on the moon, that’s normal
Thinking of how to end ones life
Then to be hit with scathing criticism
“Your crazy” they scream
Meanwhile a butcher severs a chickens head
And a fellow being cuts open a living person to save them
Yet all this one is doing, is saying “no thanks” to the world…
“Free me, to another”
– MyChoice
Because I still laugh at funny things and enjoy certain things. I’m not asking am I depressed enough for me to kill myself, because I want to kill myself but I am not depressed… how would that look to someone who doesn’t understand and instead just saw some person kill themselves (not literally) and then found out they didn’t stay stoic for days on end, didn’t cut themselves (I know not all cut themselves), didn’t cry, or show much signs of sadness because they weren’t sad.
Plain and simple I hate the world, I don’t wanna even bother wasting time living it because as I […]
Hello all,
I’m 18, male. I’ve been seriously considering suicide for well over a year now, I’m what you’d call a slacker I guess but I have reasons that I know my family will not understand… work seems like a waste of life, I have social anxiety also which is a major contributing factor, and because of that I isolate myself in my room most of the time. I’ve gotten into a habit of staying up all night and sleeping most of the day. I usually think about life and existence on this ridiculous planet to try and push myself towards actually ending it but […]
(Video is not mine)