Being single is the worst kind of pain. I’m thirty and… Why am i still alive… Pain will never go away it only grows, lonelyness will never end. Curse is too strong, and on top of that my only friend got a gf… This hurts, i can’t help, but wish him all the worst. What am i supposed to do now, get a new friend?! like that be possible…
Hello. How are you? im great, really. The only thing a gave a shit was my job and its not about losing a job, being single for years or depresion, just that finaly loosing after giving everything i could and… I changed. When i remeber stuff that used to give me stress or sadness now feels like a funny joke. I can feel emotional or phisical pain as pain, but it is just so funny to me. Feel so free and energetic, and for some reazon people are trying to help me? telling me bullcrap like ,,try finding someone to talk to” oh, and the […]
Greetings human beings. I come in peace and a video post in a WORDPRESS based site. I dont see any rules saying (like i read rules anyway) that i cant make video posts.
Greetings, i find writing pointless way to cipher information for someone else to decipher so its a video post