This life, this world should be much better, like heaven. Why isnt it so?
Atomic Bomb
I feel like i want to do it but im not 100% sure
I dont care if i die
Tell me some good ways to die, the best ways iyo
I pray to god he takes me in Heaven with…
I can’t take this life no more
Does anybody here know what can I replace depakine, anxiar and netiapin with?
Imagine if people understood and cared for each other, this world would be like heaven. Until this happens…
Does suffering matter? Why or why not?
I don’t wanna die but neither live like this
I wonder when will liberation come..
There is something wrong with this world.
What do you think?
Do you believe, think there are people in this world which could be your friends for life, with which you could have long lasting happy relationships but the problem is that you haven’t found those people and you don’t know where they are? What do you think?
Lost in a big world.
Can’t get/acquire a gun. Here in Romania it is quite difficult to get one
I don’t like the fact that in the last nine years i haven’t been able to do what i want, need, desire. Even now at the moment i still cant and i feel trapped
Do you understand this world, the way things are and why are they like this?
I cant live like this no more
Would you like to be God? Or live in Heaven?
I would.
I want to do it because i’m lonely and i don’t have social interactions
What do you think about porn, pornstars and their families? What about underage children who watch it?
There are so many possible things, experiences on this world but many of us will not experience so many possible experiences like so many different jobs, accumulations, relationships, visiting other countries etc.
We call ourselves family members or we call it a family but we can be worse than strangers. Family members can do so much harm when they should be most good and understanding.
OneShot why did u delete your post?