Will everybody die or will some humans achieve immortality in the future with the help of technological advancements?
Atomic Bomb
I can imagine something like heaven but it remains in me
How can I make it real
I’m a lonely heart
Do you have those moments where things repeat themselves, those deja-vu’s?
I don’t like some people’s faces
I look fake
Do you think/believe people are fake and that we live in the matrix?
I want to change the world
I can’t find people who think like me on some subjects
I don’t wanna hold myself
Where can I express myself
I want some things I can’t have
Can’t escape this matrix
There’s a never ending war between us
People hate each other and are so cold
We are afraid of too much freedom because it involves less control meaning more things we are afraid of can happen
There is this control that happens when we are with other people
You go to school till 18 years old, you try to make friends but some kids have problems already, your parents take care of you till 18, then you have to take care of yourself but you see something is wrong with society and everything is bullshit so you reject it and you want things your way and you want freedom but you can’t have it. Some succeed while others still struggle cause I’m still at this point and I’ll see what happens later
I’m tired of this situation I’m living more like dying because of these people, they’re killing me
I’m thinking bout death
Do you hate your family or people?
If I can’t get rid of them I won’t last much longer
IF we had a real family, if they cared for us, understood us, loved, not be like strangers, we wouldn’t be here
This world means killing and eating each other. This is a crazy world. I’m still waiting for a miracle
Lost in a big world
I want so many things, I need so many things, I’m tired of all these limitations
I could do so many things, I could be so many things
People can’t help me and I can’t help myself
I’m dying because some things are killing me.
How much longer can I hold on?
I don’t know what to do anymore.
Can’t get what I want, need
I’m not eating right, not drinking right, I have no money
What are your biggest dreams ?
What is freedom to you ?
Are you free ? Do you consider yourself a free man/woman ? What about other people around you – are they free ?
How would this world be like if people got along?