I gave up three years of my life.
Three years.
To a abusive relationship.
He saved me from myself in the start.
Made me feel pretty, needed, wanted.
The first person to do so.
I fell head over heels.
Then he made little comments. They dug in my skin, little insecure words becoming engraved.
Then he pushed me, shoved, hit, kicked, cut, choked, raped.
Then his friends began to come around. Then they started the same thing.
I went through this alone.
I walked with bruises on my skin and not one person asked.
I had cuts on my skin, they averted their eyes.
It’s […]
I am scared of myself.
In the day.
I am pretty, I am smiles, I am the girl who aids.
At night?
My skin starts itching.
Then aching.
I don’t want to die just yet.
I break perfume bottles.
Eyeliner caps.
Anything to get the words from my head on my skin.
Nothing stops it anymore.
I stood on the roof.
Three floors up, that white concrete calling me.
I shouldn’t want to jump.
What’s wrong with me.
Why do I hate myself.
I can’t save myself from my mind.
I am falling again.
I cut my palms then left words on my […]