So I don’t know if anyone on here is good at reading what dreams mean, but this is a really REALLY weird one that I had a few months ago (I had written it down when I woke up) and it involves the Holocaust, Ashley Purdy, and self harm. I am Hebrew (that’s the nationality Jew is the religion and I’m Christian not Jewish, but I had family members die in the Holocaust) and have struggled with self harm since the 2nd grade. I have also been a fan of Black Veil Brides since 2008 and Ashley Purdy is actually my least favourite of the […]
Black Veil Brides
How does it feel? Your brother sees the cuts on your wrist. The scars on your thighs. He tells your sisters and parents. Now everyone knows. Months later… Your brother tells you to stop being so mad ” This is getting old. Nobody gives a shit. Deal with it. Emo” Then your sisters… ” Stop being so mean to people. They did nothing to you.” NOTHING? HUH. Thats why i have bruises from Dad. Thats why mom use to yell at me for trying to make new friends. HOW DOES IT FEEL? They are the reason i’m this way… Then there is people at school. […]