Well, here is Day 4 of Music. This one is from a live-action children’s show. Examp- This post has been hijacked by the group, Destructive yet Thought-Provoking Nihilism. Please listen to The Happiness Committee song, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWIjvPuY2jo and en- This post has been retaken by the organization, Censorship of Reality (And Why It Su… Transmission Terminated. Standing By.) Please excuse us while we enlighten our head writer *gunshots heard*… Moving on, please listen to our intended broadcast.
fuck it. it seems two of my posts have been removed. Why they would leave the last be, is beyond me, seeing as they all deal with suicide. I cannot comprehend why this topic is so taboo. What good will come of this censorship. The right way to move forward would be to have an open and constructive discussion. Whatever, it just bums me out. I can’t even find my drafts, so all is lost. and they were fine posts, with comments from people showing interest (or sarcasm).