Im trying to be ok and stop cuting and all in a suden a friend of my says that Im a smoquer and satanic
I litterly wanna blow this school with all motherfuckers
Why everyone hate me. I dont know why people talk shit about me and I dont do anything
Im trying to be ok and stop cuting and all in a suden a friend of my says that Im a smoquer and satanic
I litterly wanna blow this school with all motherfuckers
Why everyone hate me. I dont know why people talk shit about me and I dont do anything
under the rode brig
wet hot and shit filld
needels allarownd
bottels of beer
drunk to erly
mum fownd me
in the wreck of my life
run away from mum and him
im a littel dick in his mind
sumer holds no good just shit
frends gon
famaly wish i was dead
and dont blame them
acustic gutar song wighting
leting my pane flow trow me
1 deep breth
2 3 4 go wight play just get it out
if not the other semfor of life cuting
that dos it
feeling beter allredey
and then talk to my self for the rest of the day
so luckey
to be here
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