I am only 13. And I think about suicide often. Im so young, and ive had it so hard. Things just confuse me so much. When I was 10 I made a “reasoning book” Every time something kills me a little more inside, and makes me think of suicide I write it down in my reasoning book. My plan is when I get to my 100th reason, I will finally try to seek help. I will ask for help. I will put all my trust on a line, and ask for help. And if finding help fails, It will be my last day to breathe. […]
so. my butterfly project is meh right now. I’m hoping it will pick up soon. buuuuuut. c’est la vie. anywho. i made a few more butterflies! and named them this time. for the names, http://butterflyprojects.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/so-this-time-around-ive-named-them-11/. but here are pics of them!????H??????