Your mom finally knows the real me now..suicdal..n she says she dont want you to be with me cuz of that but what do you want..u laughed when she told you that..and you say “I’m glad every1 is starting to see the real me” so what your saying is you want people to make you break up wit me or something cuz im pretty sure they’re guna tell you that…every1 has there limits babe
I was cleaning out mygarage today and I found my gneuss, I found my bottles of vodka, older antifreeze that is possible to digest, and I can still smell exhaust in there… I parked my gmc van in the garage closed the door of course and fired it up… This was the windiest night I could ever remember… I was drunk of course, and I fired up an extendo blunt of kush (2 blunts put together)… This van had a blown manifold intake gasket, so it had alot of thick white exhaust… I started to get lightheaded, and felt a CRAZY headache coming on, I […]