This probably isn’t the place to ask this question, but if there’s anyone out there who’s happy to be alive, can you explain how? There’s so much suffering, pain and cruelty out there… Even if you’re not a victim, how can you be happy knowing that others are? Misery will always exist, humans will always hurt and abuse others, this whole game we call “life” is rigged with injustice, corruption and pain. Just look around you. I’m not necessarily saying we should all kill ourselves, but why do so many people embrace life like it’s a gift?
Knowing That Others
Born missing something in your brain. That piece that makes many crave attention and affection. When these things are offered you cringe in confusion. Knowing that others readily accept them but they seem rather uncomfortable. And you force yourself to act like you enjoy them because it makes others smile. One thing does touch you. The ones who are outsiders-ostracized-cast out-victims-pariahs. Their plight awakens an inner affinity.
Then there is the violation. Inall your collected data this only happens between adults. Between husband and wife. Between girlfriend and boyfriend. Not between adult and child. Not between two males. Deep down you know that this is monumentally worse […]