Hi, I’m Tasha Jenay Thomas. And I’m a freshman in high school. School this year is a big change for me. I have friends… Just not in my class. There’s this girl who torture’s me with her mean looks and her mean doing’s. She talks crap behind my back like an immature person would do. She plays varsity on the volleyball team and she has a lot of friends. She thinks everyone likes her which everyone hates her. She always has to get the other girls to gang up on me and try to put me down. There’s this other girl who just moved here […]
Mean Girls
I had a revelation today.
Wait, can you only call it a revelation if it has to do with religion, because I think after my last incident with a priest I won’t be having any revelations anytime soon. Oh well, point is I had a “light bulb” moment, and not really a bright one.
Pun not intended.
Let me take you back to my formative elementary school years: Here’s Violet Blake. She likes to wear foofy dresses with flowers on them and ribbons in her hair. Violet thought she was going to have so many friends, turns out, she was wrong. WAY WRONG. Instead of having a happy […]
The “mean girls” (such a cliche, I know) were spreading rumors about me today..all just because they don’t like me. The sad part is, I used to consider them some of my best friends. They told EVERYONE I suck dick. People kept asking if I did all day. It was horrible. People called me a whore & a slut in the hallyways. They said things like “Classy, not trashy..right Shannon?” I’ve never done anything to them. I hate them. I hate them all. People like them are the reason I drink & smoke & cut myself! They might as well just tell me to kill […]