Im thinking of killing myself my girlfreind hates me she says im always narkey and moodey she has told me its over and i need to move out i have two children im just worried about them when i do it i would rather be dead than a part time dad . ive tried to make an effort for her and ive stopped drinking coffee and im not as moodey as i was im doing more round the house its been 4 weeks now and she still hates me she speaks to strangers better than me has anyone got any idears how i can kill myself quick?
I got one! DON’T KILL YOURSELF! I might be coming off a little over the edge. But growing up without a father is the worst emotional expericence ever!!! And knowing that they killed themselves would probably traumitize them for life! The very first thing you should do is find you another place to stay. Clearly that women you’re stayiing with is bringing you down because she has some problems of her own. Get a steady paying job to help out with you and you kids. And when you said “id rather be dead than being a part time dad”. Well would you rather be dead, or knowing that when you kill yourself (i pray to god you dont) effected your children and may feel like that THEY were the ones their daddys gone. Life is something you can’t trade back in. A long motion less sleep…….a deep depresion
Ok i meant “knowing that YOU ( not they) killed yourself would……”
Sorry i was really in the moment there.
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