I am now 18 years old, living with my parrents in Ohio. My parrents never really did anything with me especially my father. I am an outcast from my school, and have no real friends when i was `16 i withdrew from people and started playing a game called Second Life(a type of online chatting software). It was amazing how much better this made me feel. i met people and made friends, and it quickly became an addiction. Recently though i havent had anyone to talk to there either. People avoid me in both lives. i have come closer and closer to pulling out one of our family guns. i know that no one would miss me and within several days i would be forgotten. almost nightly i cry, and i can barely take it anymore. I have become extremely bitter at everything i have noticed. i really dont know what to think anymore
People will always tell you that you aren’t worth anything. Don’t listen to them but work towards a goal: something that you want to achieve, like a college education, a job, or living away from home. I would earnestly ask you to in all sincerity to seek a close relationship with God. I know He will give you the strength to overcome this trial, no matter what mistakes or insecurities you feel that you have. I know that for me, after the moment of pain, He would bless me and help me recover. Sometimes the pain still returns: the hurt I experienced; but step by step He is healing me. All I can do is ask you to try…it’s hard to explain the process if you haven’t experienced it; but it works. Have faith and seek for answers. I know you can do this!
people will forget about you it is normal to forget about someone they will surely miss you if you got a gun out
Please do me one favor and tell someone in real life that you feel this way. Trust me. You may think that no one cares, but they just dont realize. And with being 18, you have plenty of time to change. I often times feel stuck and think that I dont have any real friends where I go to school, and then I will have a day when someone shows me the teeniest bit of kindness and it makes me realize that people are inherintly good and that no one means to make you feel like this; they just dont realize. So reach out to someone and make them realize.
dont listen to what anyone says.
if someone new goes to your school try to befriend them.
when you are in colledge get a dorm. you will be with a roommate ande you will grow on them or they will grow on you
Sallypie! stop doing proselitism about the bloody god help! you are only making people more depressed with that! they dont have to believe that crap and you are exploiting their situation of distress to come down with your gospels and phantoms! if it works for you, keep it for yourself!
and now young man. There are some other good comments other people have made, follow them. They are not trying to hammer any theory about divinities in your head. At this age it is natural that you may feel down or with low self-esteem because it takes more years to form a personality. For the time being, first put back that gun and never ever get close to it. Second thing, as other commenters said, there are some good people around, but dont make it all depend on them. You also have your personality. Dont risk it all to what others say. Get a book about professions or study programs and decide what you would like to become.
I wish I were 18 young man!
hit me up if u need anyone
e-mail mkafan12@yahoo.com