I was once just like any other person who comes to a site like this longing for death well that all changed and now i know what your thinking at this point o no not another Jesus freak or someone who is going to tell us that we shouldn’t feel this way any more well thats not what im here for so like i was saying it all changed when i had a child with a beautiful girl it was boy and he is the greatest thing that ever happened to me well i just found out a few days ago i have cancer its rapidly spreading and the doctors have little hope that im going to make it. Now for what i came here to say i know your feeling like your about to fall off the edge of the world or no one is there for you or your the emptiest you have ever felt in your life but pleas im begging you try to fix it i let it fix it self i let the solution find me and now ive wasted years of my life i wish i had looked for a solution sooner instead of drowning in a pool of self pity that was my life and dont think hey im young i have time to find a solution to my depression or better yet i have time to let the solution find me because im 18 years old and dying of cancer if you need help please email me @ beneggs@hotmail.com and ill do my best i plan on dedicating whats left of my life to trying to help people like i was and to making sure my son remembers me or at least has a chance to see who i was if you email me hear and you get no response ive past on if this happens pleas take the time to shed a tear for me and the son ive left thank you for reading this
what type of cancer do you have? what is the exact diagnose?
Im not sure the exact name of the cancer but its a tumor that connected it self to my lungs and from there has spread to a gland in my neck, my pancreas, and colon at this point im receiving Radiation every day and kemotherapy once a week
Sometimes it seems like a life is the ironic ***** who laugh in our faces. When someone is miserable and want to die, he can’t, but when he find a sense of life then he get a cancer. F**k this world. I hope that miracle will happen and you will get a chance to live.
I agree with what Entity says. I am just speechless because it shatters me to the deepest. It generates in me hatred towards the evil nature of the ***** life capable of allowing something so cruely monstruous as this. I just go to pieces when I think about your girlfriend.
Jesuschrist! poor little creature baby!
Let us know how you are doing. Let your girlfriend write us.
Thank you for your pity but i no longer need help and please dont let my experience make you think of life this way because for the time that i have had with my son and my lover its been the greatest feeling ive ever had.
I just want others to kno that the feelings they have of suicide will eventually seem to disperse and they will know the good side of life because its not all bad.