The sun was shining on my face, something it hadn’t done in a good, long time.
Today was just another day, no different from the day before. I woke up at 5:30 am, got ready for school, drove to school, waited for the last bell to ring before i could book it out of there, and then I went home and did homework until I had to cook my siblings dinner and go to bed. Not a very exciting routine, but I didn’t mind it so much.
There is always one thing that changes though, always one thing that I know is going to be different: my mood.
One day I could be the saddest thing you ever crossed paths with, but then the next day I could be totally giddy like nothing was ever wrong…
It occurred to me that everyone in the world is looking for a way to be happy, and when they find it they’re never goign to be sad again.
I don’t mean to bur your bubble, but that’s just wishful thinking.
It’s pointless to seach for eternal happiness because there is no such thing, there is only temporary happiness, but what people don’t understand is that that happiness isn’t going to last. You have to be sad sometimes, you have to be mad sometimes, you have to be frustrated sometimes, its only human nature.
The problem with being depressed is that we hope for way to much from life. We cannot ask for something of it [life] when it [eternal happiness] doesnt exsist.
Happiness is like butterflies: when you chase it it will elude you but when you turn you attention to other things, it will come sit softly on your shoulder.
So, the best advice to be happy: STOP CHASING IT.
‘Do not fear perfection; you shall never reach it’
Someone said that once, although unfortunately the name escapes me. The same would apply to ‘happiness’, surely. In which case, sheer happiness is unattainable.
I didn’t really mean for this to be a sad post, i was just figuring out that trying to look for eternal happiness is hopeless because you will never find it. it may seem like a sad thing to say, but i was thinking that this is just a rationale of how life really is, you cant be happy all the time, unfortunately.
Its kind of true… never chase happiness..
But without happiness my life is a mess..
I try to find my happiness but someone stopped me with force..
And i surrender.. so intry to find another happiness.. but its temporary because its not the happiness i really want..
I dont want to be in this state stress.. gloomy.. want to kill myself..
So i try to find the way by chasibg the happiness
But once again its all just temporary..
What should i do…