Bloody Friend
I take my handy friend
My friend to the end
I put him to my skin
And press with all my whim
Stinging needle pain sweeps
Blood flows, I start to weep
Cutc, cuts everywhere
I weep, but I’m not scared
I really want to die
This is what I do
Instead of talking to you
Cuts everywhere
Their my friends
And will be ’till the end
All your poems are about cutting yourself. Lighten up.
Last time I checked, this site was a place for cutters. She’s here to share them because apparently you don’t get judged here. I guess you do.
Don’t judge and don’t tell people to lighten up.
It’s not that easy.
It’s fucking hard to write about anything else but cutting when you’re a cutter.
I don’t cut [as much] anymore but that’s still mostly what I write about… I hadn’t noticed till now. LOL How weird is that?