No one can imagine that so positive-minded I’ve always been would choose to end !
When the cash flow of mine was nearing the critical time, it was hard to bear knowing that my brother wanted the last piece of my property, my shelter from the rain, to be sold to him at three-fifth of the actual value, and my wife also hated me to death awaiting to claim the same last piece. My choice then was to leave this house to my wife who is with my beloved daughter who can then also harvest the share afterall. So, on 2010-7-26, late night, I attempted to off myself.
As I knew about the risks I would be falling into afterlife consequence, and I didn’t want to haunt my own house which if registered as unnatural death would devalue to mere 40% in market value, so I chose the public lavatory.
When I prepared to leave the house, I asked the sky, the cloud to give me a sign.
Soon the cloud formed an unique shape of a god. (since I’m not selling you guys religion here, the Name is withheld. And I remembered the first time my encounter with a god was many years back, but It was from a totally different religion. And mind you that, I’m now still free of any religions.)
I then asked what It’s trying to tell me, no or go ahead.
The cloud remained in that perfect shape lasted for minutes, while all other clouds around changed their shapes in seconds and dispersed.
Well, I could only figure that was a saying like “as you wish”.
So I walked to the public lavatory a few minutes away home, carrying along my props. (not for hanging, because I knew about the revengeful ghost one’s soul can become after looped in. And forgive me for not telling my method too.)
When everything prepared inside the innermost toilet compartment, I tried to go ahead, but the auto-sensor of the washing basin out there came the sound of releasing water. Someone must be washing hands. So I peeped from down under the 1.5 inch opening, but saw noone there. After things quiet down, I attempted again, but heard now the turn of urinal water flushing outside at the opposite wall (by auto-detecting). So I peeped again, still seeing noone. Then I knew what would have been happening. Still I went ahead trying my best to concentrate and back to my own act, then came water releasing and flushing sounds alternating at left and right, left and right.
To no prevail, my desire quiet down, and I submitted to these playful interferences. While I was leaving, all I could do, was to sigh with a smile. And what a clown I had been made !
It has been 2 years I researched all about afterlife, and done experiments with help of others'”seeing eyes” and with some little apparatuses and personal experiences to validate any truth, that already equipped me adequate knowledge of the afterlife, but still I went ahead doing something else while feeling incompetent. That had really made me the most stupid of all. Just another loser of life !
Since the lavatory incidence, I even visited again in the daytime, while the janitor in charge even showed me how new the equipment has always been, and how easy it would be to file an order even if for repair. Since it is a sightseers frequent ground, government just don’t care if any money is to spend, not to say the least it’s been functioning well enough.
So I picked the same night hour, went for a clue and had to find everything just working perfectly, and I even stayed in the same compartment there for a certain period too.
Nevertheless, I also proved that there are some that dying young, from suicides, accidents, or sickness, might still be stuck on the earth realm till their supposed due time. For instance that, if dead at 50, and supposed due time 70, then 20 more years to stay as a ghost, in further to those who were trapped in their own hell would still “live” if without own salvation.
But of people that got murdered, it’s strange that some spirits even would let it be, and would forgive.
But the ones that die in regret and hate, many still linger to their unforgettable ones and that causing sickness or deaths, intentionally or unintentionally pestering without concord of anyone understanding, that really kills their loved ones at last.
And to the helpers to know. Some cases are so complicated, that intervention could cause fate reversed and transferred to you. I had many personal experiences in my whole life. Especially that absence of gratitude from the receiver is considered interference to the matrix. Since I’m stupid afterall, and not much else to lose, so..
Ha !
Although I haven’t encountered incidence related to Jesus yet, I still respect Him as a god.
What I believe is that, the divine spirit will be the one you come into close contact with at His shrine or temple, could just be from a tour to a favorite spot of sight-seeing. And all that matters is whether you intensely exert yourself
in deep thought talking with that god or not, when you are in his house (so to speak).
And I’m just someone exceptionally scrutiny of my surroundings, and that made me easier to spot things that others don’t even realize its existence around.
Gods, ghosts, and aliens are just visitors on Earth.
The hosts, humans are the ones who mainly make the real difference.
About myself, I have to work a way to settle my debt of love and hate in this life.
The hate from my wife is just killing me spiritually.
Even giving her my life, and the last house won’t ever settle.
3 days after my supposed death, she even phoned. She must be disappointed that I happened to answer the phone, so she just hung up after I hailed the second hello. (Yeah, it’s real sad then, but at least I know that’s the line of relationship concluded.)
Her hate is like a blackhole sucking, on her power demand wanting more and more that I’m not able to give.
Not until the time I can stand up complete as an individual again, could I beam enough light to reflect and collapse this blackhole effect.
Since I’m in a situation similar to a guy here “Haunts All”, I’m still fighting hard !