I originally came to this site in hopes someone may know a means of commiting suicide due to circumstances that aren’t related to personal depression over events such as my mate left me, I’m failing at school, etc. I’ve noticed the vast majority are teenagers. I was a teenager 50 years ago. My problem is a brain that has malfunctioned. Doctors can’t find a remedy. It’s gone on for years and now it’s become unbearable. I’ve tried everything, therapy, my psychiatrist has tried everything available.Tried naturopathic, acupuncture, exercise, etc The list goes on. EVERYTHING. I know people are paranoid that the police are monitiring this site, whiich personally I believe is bs.Regardless giving infomations on how other people have taken their lives is not assisting, it’s merely stating what they know about somebody that found a method. I would really appreciate any stories you could share. Please, don’t quote scriptures or suggest therapy, or yoga, stc, I’ve done it all.
I’m not in a tempory state of mind, this has gone on to where it’s unbearable. Perhaps someone knows of web site or any sorce with useful info. As I said earlier, I’m not reacting to life events, it’s a bio-chemcal medical problem. Thank you for listening to my ramblings, as I’m pretty sure nobody will help me……………. join the crowd. I’m just hopeful someone may understand that I need information that viable
Thanks to the person who might be able to help me.
Thank you
I’m only 23 but i feel that i am in somewhat of the same boat as you, there really isnt anything i can change, each time i try to ask for information on how to exit i am met with answers replying ‘please don’t’ , i’m glad they are concerned on here about other people for those who are seeking that and i try to help others on here too…, but this isnt why i came to this site, i really do want some good methods to commit suicide =/
Could you email me with anything you’ve learned jpw88@comcast.net
thank you
i to want some good methods to commit suicide =/
wheres my help!? i need someoen to talk to now! like right now! where are the ppl who care!? i have pmdd and i stoped takin meds cause they gave me head aches and they dont help! i have been on so many medications and it just makes me stupid! as i already am! WHERES MY HELP!!??? HELP!!!! TALK TO ME!!! IM ALONE AND I DONT WANNA DIE…BUT AM THINKIN THAT ITS THE ONLY WAY TO END THE PAIN FOR GOOD!
Unfixable, i have looked into poisons recently and i might have found something, either the plant belladonna, or wolf’sbane i read in ancient times wolfbanes with a mixture of opium which is illegal now was used to euthanise people. I am still doing research on the Belladonna plant trying to find out if it is a pleasant way to die, in both circumstances we still probablly need some sort of opium like product to help relax and reduce pain.. maybe you would have better luck finding that? Oh also i dont have a comcast email i use yahoo. If you want to get in contact with me my email is Depressed_Caleb@yahoo.com
Maybe you’re here (on earth, literally) to learn how bad it can be? You’re on the road to success!