Ive been thinking alot lately.We’re all gonna die eventually by some say either sickness or accident or even old age.Personally i would like to die by my own hands.My teacher says before when she use to wish she could die she regeted it because now she has the best job and she loves her life now.I don’t want to wait for the future because you don’t know what might happen i mean you mught end up in the streets for all you know.
well it could be what as you are thinking or it could be not too! What happened with your teacher, same could happen with you too, a peaceful life (thats what all wants). So why are you thinking to end it up?
Personally, I like to hope for the best. And the fact that you talked about your teacher’s experience makes me think maybe you want to, too. It’s better to hope for the best and live so you can enjoy life than end your own life and potentially miss out on amazing experiences. =) Please stay. And if you really need to talk, I’m sure there are lots of people you can talk to. If you want to email me, I’m at miranda(at)bullok(dot)com. =)
Im sorry to say but if that is the only reason you want to end your life you should think again. That’s ridiculous. That is not me saying you are ridiculous by the way, I do not know the troubles you have had as I do not know you.
Of course we are all going to die one day, that is one of the certainties in life, that’s no reason to end it. Allot of life is what you make it. We are dealt some crap cards sometimes and given challenges to overcome but that is what makes us the people we are… that is what makes us stronger. You cannot just give up.
I think everyone has the right to choose how they want to die.
But you shouldn’t fear the future. It is all in your hands. Ultimately, you decide how your life turns out. So if you want happiness, go get it.