topic one; Sleep! woke up at 5pm today, while yesterday (for some reason) I woke up at 8am, yesterday I woke up happier, even though I got less sleep o.O seems my entire theory’s a load of crap. I’ll go to bed at 10 today, well try. see if I wake up happier.
2nd topic; meeee. I should start trying to fix myself, I’ve always stayed up talking to friends who have issues until the unmentionable hours, always turned down chances to get out so I could MAYBE talk to them today, maybe cheer them up. but it’s not working, it just made me feel like shit, which in turn, didn’t help them atall. urgh, everything I’ve been trying to do is turning to crap on me. kinda sucks, but atleast now I can try something new, maybe now I’m on the right path :3 I’d love it if this could get better this year, if it does, I’ll think about staying until the last years of highschool, instead of leaving in 4th year. my grades aren’t as great as they could be, and I’ve only got one set of exams left, if I quit. where as if I stay, it’ll look better on my paper thingy. xD butttt, I would be happier doing my highers in the college. I mean, I would probably do better, asdfghjkl I’ll figure this out later, I ish still a youngin! D:
next topic; Going out. right, had a brrrr-illiant night last night, played foose ball with Shannon and Oliver with my friend Emma xD it was great, I felt like me again :3 even though I got so bored at the 5th game, I was just like -=-; wanted to die. my wrist hurts like fuck, but it was worth it, and my throat burnssss >.< I can’t swallow!
awh, lickle Gayol (my border collie) is sleeping on my feet ^^ love this dog, she gets me through alot. oh shit, I woke her up, here comes the womans rath! EEK.