it seems every time i get this feeling inside of me i hear this voice that is telling me to just end it. i dont know how to make it stop and i dont want to hurt everyone around me. it seem like i have a darkness inside me that is trying to consume me, suffocate me. ive talked to a friend but it doesnt help. and the feeling to slid the blade across me wrist again gets continuealy hard to resist. my poery doesnt help anymore either, neather does drugs or alchol. the pain seems to be getting worse and i cant please it enoughh to give me a moment to escape it. i know i shouldnt inflict pain on myself but its like i dont control it anymore.
maybe its your inner voice calling you and everyone else is the darkness and you are the light, maybe you should just let it all out and just do it
If you didnt get anywhere with your friend maybe find someone else to talk to someone you can trust or if you really want help go see a doctor
Get checked for schizophrenia.. ?
i dont think it could be schizophrenia cause i only hear the voice sometimes not alot.
It could be a milder form of schizophrenia or some form of bipolar disorder. If you hear a voice, something’s not right.