I can feel it.
Pieces of my soul, my being coming away from my body, leaving my body. It’s as if I’m slowly dying spiritually, with bits and pieces of me coming off and going to different locations only to be reconstructed once again in a new place, new time, new life.
I can feel it, the numbness racing through my body, escaping through my fingertips and my toes. The sorrow filling my body like water filling a bathtub.
I can feel the end drawing closer, keeping a constant pace, making the wait feel like it’s slowing down time.
I can feel it. The Urge, making me want to scream at it to hurry up and take me away already, kidnap me into my new life, my new body, a new time.
I can feel it. The end is near, but not close enough to banish me from all my fears, flaws, guilt, mistakes.