well im 17 im changing my life around doing away with the depression and taking out the old people that made me that way that really arnt my friends in the first place. the only true friends i had both died not even a year ago. \ im a very good listner and can relate to a lot of yalls stories and i really need new friend to talk to so just comment, add me on facebook or send me an email at tigger944@yahoo.com oh and that the email for my facebook to.
hey hailey, good plan! I think changing your surroundings is a great way to inspire a change in yourself. Like cleaning house. Gotta get rid of the dust before you can breathe.
Btw I have no idea how to use facebook. I think I’m the only idiot on the planet who can’t figure it out 🙁
thanks:) and nah im sure your not the only one