I need to do a speech for school on “What’s right with the world”. I can’t even think of anything to do it on. What a bad topic..
I need to do a speech for school on “What’s right with the world”. I can’t even think of anything to do it on. What a bad topic..
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ooo sounds fun
very interesting topic, mhmm
…i can’t think of anything either…mhm
my initial thought was,,, pick something that is actually wrong with the world and… pretend that it’s something that’s right,,, it’d be like sarcasm.
I was thinking ‘MONEY’ , so yu’d be saying like….YEaaah MONEY IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD…..and blah blah blah =) … na that’s not a very good idea, iono, unless you can pull it off.
that’s tricky, because there’s nothing Right about this world, and if you agree then you should twist it up and pick something that is wrong with the world instead and write about that, and…. You can do that u know? (YOU DONT HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT SOMETHING THAT IS RIGHT ABOUT THE WORLD) YEs that’s the topic, but the topic is just there for you to make you think… of something, to write about, get it?
So you’d start off saying..
Well, I couldn’t think of anything that is Right with the World, so I decided to right about something that is Wrong with the World…
or….you can make the topic ‘What is Right With the World?’ with a question mark, in which you are asking yourself and the reader that question. And then you pick out some things about this World and…. talk about if it’s Right or Wrong…
or… you can do… what i would probably do personally is….just write
and straight out turn that in.
Hahaha, I don’t know, I really wanted to open people’s eyes and write something incredibly meaningful, but this topic is too difficult. Two friends are already talking about me in it, which makes me nervous.
I just don’t know what can open people’s eyes.