I don’t even know what he thinks about me anymore. I love him so much, but all I do is complain to him. every time I see he becomes friends with some really hot chick on fb, I get so jealous and heart broken, even though he said he still loves me, but I don’t think he truly does. not the way I love him. I don’t even know if they’re just his friends, but its crossed my mind that he likes one of them, they’re really hot girls. honestly he’s really handsome and strong, and there’s so many girls that like him. Im so far away from him right now, and have no friends here. all my friends on fb are always saying how they’re “so sad” or “heartbroken” because their phone broke, or they can’t see their friends on the weekend. I don’t have a phone. I live in a foreign country. I haven’t seen any of my friends for almost a freaking year! the only thing I can really focus on anymore is how stupid and depressed I am, and drawing various black, broken hearts with different types of scars and lacerations, etc. I hate myself. I freaking hate myself. I wanna hold on, I really do. I want a good boyfriend that won’t get mad at me for my depression. I want him to hold me and tell me I’ll be safe in his arms forever, and fix my broken heart. but this is just something I will never have. crap that’s a lot to read. sorry for wasting your time again:P
You’re probably better than any of those ‘hot’ chicks. I bet you.
That’s true. Lower your expectations. I want a cute girlfriend that’s not too… Controlling and jealous. Yet I still have a somewhat cute and fat girlfriend
Heh, of course you’ll have it. God knows there’s alot of people out there who want it. If that guy only likes chicks based on appearance alone then you deserve someone better. Nope you didn’t waste my time here girly.
he’s a Christian, and he’s really awesome. he’s not one of those guys that just goes off with another girl, but he has a very wide variety of choices while I’m depending on him solely. and I looked up all the girls he was friends with(yeah I know thats weird) and there’s one girl he has a lot in common with, like almost everything, and she’s a lot prettier than me:/
I have 617 friends on fb, some of them are really ‘hot’ people with interests like mine, but to most of them I did never talked 🙂
I don’t know who they are, and why are they my ‘friends’ 😀
I guess he had a very wide variety of choices all his life, but he choose YOU 🙂
yeah i dont know, I think he’s getting really annoyed with my complaining..
Don’t worry. You are not stupid. Right now you should focus on loving yourself. Focus on yourself. Go on a darte with yourself. Enjoy the fresh air, go out to the beach. Read a book. Eat your favorite food. Smile. Finding love within yourself will open up your life with true love. If he is not there for you at your worst, he doesn’t deserve you at your best. Soon after finding love in yourself, you will open yourself to a new happy life and you will find that true loved one that awaits. So live. Its all worth it.
im sorry, but i hate myself, i always will. every time i try to smile in the mirror, i feel like i look more ugly than i already am. i tried to kill myself last night, i guess i didnt take enough pills:/ i can try again tonight..