Therapist are full if shit.
I used to want to be one, but then I thought about it, and pretty much realized that they are payed to listen to people, and though they chose that as a career.. I don’t know.. It just seems weird to me.
And if you disagree, well than you do.. Don’t fill the comments up woth, well y’know..
This is just my opinion.
Therapist are used for social control, i mean look what they have done!
Oh and doctors, well, one tie they siad ciggerretts do not cuase cancer, and look at the world now.
Yep the goverment can make a shit load out of addictions and medication, that is why they do it.
I agree. Seems like they don’t really care sometimes or just can’t help you but won’t tell you that. And then they just prescribe medications.