What a useless emotion… I have kicked drugs, stopped drinking but I can not let go of this self pity and depression… Today I took a nap and upon awakening I did not have a desire to use or drink I just want to stop living… I don’t enjoy life as other people… I want to leave the present… i don’t like it here… the world sucks, government sucks and people suck… if i choose to die today i will hang myself… i will try to hyperventilate and then just tighten the noose around my neck… this should cause me to pass out so that I won’t feel the strangulation from the rope… i don’t know.. we will see i guess…
It probably wont make you feel better, but i am at the same point in my life. i am now without emotion. I find myself telling people my wishes for after i am gone, and giving away everything that i own on craigslist. hanging is a very painful way to go in most cases. i will not divulge my planned method because of website rules, but i will say that japanese suicide seems better than our versions. i hope the best for u friend. see u on the other side some day.
It probably won’t make either of you feel better, but I’m also at the same point in my life. I recently moved into the house of a friend of my fathers and didn’t bother to bring any of my possessions with me(besides dvds and books). I give away money like I’m Mr. monopoly. Good luck to the both of you in whatever you decide to do.