I have attempted suicide more than once, this last time I slit my wrist with a utility knife. For some reason unknown to me I’m still here. I have been locked up in mental institutions more than my fair share and the help that I needed and “need” just wasn’t there. I always feel the need to talk and to be heard but needless to say no one wants to hear me. Maybe it’s me? I’ve been bipolar and manic depressive with anxiety for over 12 years now.
Everybody needs somebody. I don’t know how I made this long without friends, but now that I have them, I swear I’m loving life like no other.
TC were you ever suicidal?
i dont understand bipolar and manic depressive but i do understand someone not wanting to listen i hate life 2 but i love to listen and help so e-mail me mkafan12@yahoo.com
It’s easy not to understand people like that. My husband can hardly handle me at times. He’s never had to deal with a person with bipolar. It is a disease just like any other. Except with a whole lot of ups and downs. I appreciate you and I will e-mail when I get a chance. Thank you.
Yea like a few years ago. But then I joined the Marine Corps and my life has changed so much.
Well, I’d like to start off by saying” Thank you for serving our country”, my brother is a Marine also. He is kind of showing his side of depression. I hate if for him and I hate it for our family.
You mind if I ask where your Bro’s stationed?