hello every 1 my name is james i live in ireland my story begins from a very young age back in juiniour infants or as you say in U.S.A. where a lot of you are from kinder guarden i was avoided alot because i was the new kid and all the other kids over the years took this as an advantage to pick on me for fun.  Because i had no 1 to talk to i want very depresed and stated talking to myself just to pretend i had some 1 to talk to to make me happy and I still do this up to this day.    I was not able to tell my parents because my mum a terrible person to talk to and my dad has serious anger problems and smokes weed because of his anger problems i have always been scared of people I am now 15 years where its realy getting rough with my jouniour cert coming up and its im possible to study with all this bulling horror its also causing me to lose my consintration in school and my grades are getting worse i have a ps3 with friends from uk including a girlfriend at first we were all so happy but i dont know what happened an argument started and weve all gone our seprate ways and my girlfriend has very bad anger ishues and she calls me tons of horrible names so im left with no one , no 1 to talk to , no 1 to be my fiend , and no 1 to love me this is what has brought  me to suicide puberty has taken over and suicide is all i think about now so this is my question if i do kill myself how will ever1 feel will they be happy that im finaly gone out of their lifes or will they all stop and realise that they have taken my life and remember me as a no 1 who just wanted a simple friend.
I have a soft spot for Ireland, my dad was born in Dublin, so I understand the anger issues…1st time I was there it was like home. You can email me if you like – pauld891 at g mail dot com. You’re not going to self harm cause I get the sense you like yourself which is a very good thing. You’re sensitive which is also a brilliant thing but having to deal with your folks is hurting you cause you feel it a lot more intensely than most people.
This is important for you to know. If you’re not okay inside, doing anything is bonkers so don’t add any more pressure to yourself given your studies. It’s important to be as realistic as you can with respect to your situation and look after YOU. You are the most important person, and everyone else can go fly a kite.
I’d suggest educating yourself a bit about dysfunctional families. There’s tons..I came from one so I know. If you want, like I said email me, and I’ll make a couple more suggestions. We tend to attract what we know…you’re dad has anger stuff, so you attracted a gf with similar issues…it’s how it goes. Take it easy on yourself because you have enough going on outside of you. Nothing is more important than that you feel good…and when you decide that within yourself, you will feel some inner strength kick in and momentum will build and you’ll feel better, bit by bit….you just have to choose that’s the direction you want to go in and your external circumstances do not dictate how you will feel about yourself or your life. Follow this…it will help. Good luck!
Where around u from?
dublin in ireland why
Just curious from Ennis (Clare) myself
softful thank you for your help ive been on this page 15 minites and it already making me feel better i just wish every 1 else knew about thease kind of websites their gone now but the past is the past your right thant you very much il add you soon take care
Hang in there James, being a teen can be so tuff at times. It also seems like its never gona end, day in day out.
Your 15 yrs old, your going thru regular teens stuff. Don’t end your life before its started.
I on the other hand, am at a lttle past mid life in age 51. Facing 25 to life in prison. I want to live, yet not behind bars. It been a long battle trying to end my life, its actually really difficult when the instinct to live keeps getting in the way. Any which way it turns out people are and will be hurt.
My son knows of my problem and I am suicidal.
Your parents would be devestated, just as any survivor of a suicide is.
I’ve read alot about the survivors, our deaths are some thing not natural, they may even understand to a degree, yet the pain is with them the rest of their lives.
Some times people just think they have a problem that only suicide will fix, thats you. Unlike my situation where there is no fix either way I go.
@caucajun32, so many people have said to me I can’t imagine experiencing that…etc. I can’t imagine being in your shoes and have the strength to continue as you do…Prayers and good vibes to you brother.
thank you i will try my best to keep going
Keep going James… I’m from Ireland as well, Waterford to be precise… Have you looked into going to Pieta House? There is one in Ballyfermot, one in Tallaght and one in Lucan…. If you call them up they’ll give you an appointment and they’ll assess whether they can help… It takes a bit of bravery to go there, but they’re all there to help so it’s well worth looking into it…
thank you dreamboat im happy now that there are places near me where i can go to and not some faraway place in the U.K. this has realy helped and the same to all of you that have have helped me. Im feeling kind of better now i couldnt of done it without you thank you all 🙂
No problem… I’m actually going there for an assessment on Friday… best of luck!
thank you 🙂