i’ve cut myself since i was 11(i’ll b 17 in 6 days). its of course gotten “worse” since then. but i just wanna know if anyone else cuts themselves. im tired of being called sick because i find solace in a blade. does anyone else feel the same? i need someone whos going thru what i am. i hope we can continue to tlk, cuz i need someone i can identify with
Im a cutter too. and a lot of other people are too.
I dont know why you started cutting but if you want to talk to someone you can email me if you want (you can find my email in the comment box)
yeah, i cut too. its hard , because people don’t understand. the only people who will ever understand are people who cut too. if you wanne talk, just replay. i’m also seventeen in a month from now. i haven’t been cutting as long as you have, i think not even a year. but i get what it is like.
I am also a cutter i like it because it’s my secret i don’t have to tell anyone. I am only 13 but it would be nice to talk to someone else who cuts and knows more about pros and cons of it