It seems here are a lot of good people here, each with there own difficulties but often trying to help others, which i find interesting and very positive.
Why doesn’t everyone just list and then at their own discretion add each other to email or msn etc so they can talk more regularly when and if they need to. Electronic Communications can be a wonderful thing. Try be positive with each other, even in the face of adversity.
Life is not perfect, it’s how we handle adversity that defines us most. I like the idea of grace under pressure. Few can do it. Everyone is going to die, but how we live life is a choice we make.
I am happy to list my email (add my handle name here to Msn etc can be given from there.
ps please feel free to ask questions/comments etc … I’ll reply when i can.
Stay well people.
lol, too many responses! stop people! 🙂
well if anyone wants to get in touch with me feel free real-foudy@hotmail
(.com) trying to avoid moderation here lol but if u do email please mention ur from this sight some how