It’s senior year for me, this is supposed to be the best year in school right? So far all that has happened is bad more than ever. Not even the school wants to help. I have been bullied this year more than ever. Rumors flying around and it got so bad that I had to go to counseling. I hate this place, I wonder if there is a God sometimes because if there is one then why does he allow this to happen to me. One girl vandalized my car, one spread horrible lies about me and the other stalked me. I feel like I’m all alone and no one will help me. I used to have a lot of friends and even though we weren’t the “cool kids” we were happy, then as time went on things changed. Some left, others drifted away and one drastically changed and dropped me because of her boyfriend. I try to stay away from people now and yet even today some girl told me to die.. maybe I should take that advice. No one should ever feel this way. I hate my life and sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed because if I do all that’s going to happen is that I am going to end up crying and sitting by myself in my closet like I usually do now…
Just know that this is your last semester and after that you will never see those people again i wish this was my last yeah because the people i have to deal with are just as horrible and alway remeber death is a long term solution to a tempary problem
Thank you
I’m 51 have never been to a high school reunion, ………… those were the worst years of my life, ……. no scratch that all the years in school from day one were awful.
Hang in there, kids were always mean, yet todays kids are worse.
Become an adult, live your life with Integrity, no one can ever take that from you.
The best revenge is living a good, successful life. Success isn’t only measured by the amount of money one earns.
That’s really good advice thank you.
Hi Chris,
teen years can be pretty crappy agree so dont worry and try make new friends. Dont be afraid to just chat to people.
Try also remember, There are 3 types of people in the world:those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder’what happend’?
try be the first type of person.
Stay good Chris ..*hugs*
I finished high school not too long ago and remember that most teens can be straight up jerks, mean, etc etc. Afterwards you won’t see 99% of them – unless you WANT to. Even if you see them, you ignore them, they ignore you and it’s like nothing.
So I hope you survive this last semester in dreadful high school. Don’t give into those annoying and immature antics. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that – but stay strong and beat those people by ( like the others said ) living with integrity, striving for success and being the one who makes things happen. Give it a try 😛
Best wishes
Your life sounds very similar to how i was last spring. my best and only friend moved n with me, she tried to help me, but i couldnt do it. i would sit in my room, staring at the ceiling for hrs, wishing i was dead. i felt alone, i only heard the negative. i tried ending it, it didnt work, i felt cheated and was determined to try again. but some good came out of nowhere, my life became just barely barable. i was still, and still am, depressed, but im no longer suicidal. and it all turned over a few little things, hang in there. im a junior, and im ready to be out of highschool. if u want to talk send me an email jmtoverbeck@gmail
Thank you, I will.
Nicely said josh ..
Christine, it gets better sweetie. I had the same problems as you. They threw me in the river! And picked up and moved my crappy car! I was devastated. I wish I had my high school problems now. Just take it day by day. Once in college or out in the work force you’ll have more people just like you. Not to be cliche but all the “popular” kids lives were kinda stagnant after high school, like that was their peak. The not popular kids are actually the interesting successful ones who I’ve now years later become friends with on Facebook and then grabbed a drink with or whatever. You are so close to a new beginning I think you need to give it a little more thought. Just my 2 cents, I’m not judging. I should b around a bit if u need to chat.
Thank you!
Lon3…..hey….where you been hiding….lol….and if you truly were hiding….the good news is i’m going to bed….big day tomorrow….yeah….
could you do me one wee little favour????….could you let me know if you got my message????
Apologies to Christine….sorry to jack your post….but i promise only briefly….going to bed now….all you guys are doing great…..nice to see you again caucajun….where ya been???….and carry on….going to bed….hopefully soon…just waitin on a friend
nite all
Just remember anyone who bullies is really, really weak inside…sucks you are at the other end of their crap…but know this for your own strength. Every seemingly negative experience is meant to spark huge positive realizations and energy within YOU!
You probably can’t see it now, but what if this is all for your benefit! All this nonsense.
I got picked on a lot too…I have no idea where those people are, but since I realize I’m the constant in my life I choose to take the best out of all experiences. How courageous do you want to be?
I get it’s a b***h right now…but keep going-you’re more than worth it. Take care!