″>Dutch rethink Christianity
Now there is a down to earth minister that tends to think a little like me.
I am an Agnostic Deist. Go figure that one out if you can.
I can explain if you ask what that mean to me. 🙂
Gotta go now, I am way behind on my path to self destruction.
Before my final hooray, I want to post a final post here on the helium bag method and why it seems to fail for some people.Probably on Monday.
Then If I fail, I will issue a revised edition when they let me out of the hospital.
Killing yourself intentionally is not always as easy as people make you think. 🙁
Hi DR, hope all goes well for you, not that I want you to go, but I know your situation, and I’ll be happy to know you’re getting some rest. Even if we all live out our spans, we won’t be far behind you. Good luck. And, as the man himself says:
“Personally I have no talent for believing in life after death.”
I myself identify as an atheistic agnostic, and not alot of people can figure that one out either haha. I hope wherever you are now you’ve found peace…