Today I was dropped from school just when I was actually dealing with my depression better this happenes I feel worthless. School was all I had going for me & it was taking away from me. No matter how hard I try I feel like everyone gives up on me . I have nothing else to live for & Im 16 years old & I’m ready to end my life. I should have ambition & dreams but living in this cruel unfair world I can’t reach my goals so why hope & dream, if it’s pointless.
Why were you dropped from school?
Because I’m behind on my credits so the administrators withdrew me from school.
Fuck mate anychance of getting back in or getting into another school asap?
None pf the highschools in my district wouldn’t except me so Im going to try to get my g.e.d & hopefully start college next year, I just hate the fact that I wont be able to graduate & get a diploma.
Hey Bree,
As someone thats failed subjects and still got pretty successful later one, dont worry too much. A few subjects or even one year doesnt chnage or define your entire life. Trust me.
Can i maybe suggest, are your parents able to get you a after school tutor to help, or maybe, could you go talk to a school counsellor and discuss your difficulties?
Life isnt always grand, and everyone has ups and downs, the key to success is learning to deal with lifes challenges when they present themselves.
Remember this, think positive and continue to have some dreams and goals. You sound pretty smart to me so i have no doubt you will achieve stuff in your life.
Stay strong & positive okay?
What we think, we become.
Ad Astra
I will be trying to get my g.e.d & start college nextt year. Ill be ahead of my friends but i hate the fact that I wont be graduating or getting a diploma. But I still have no clue on whay I wanna do with my life career wise.
Thank you for the kind words & listening .
Have you ‘addressed’ the reason why you didn’t do as well as you would have liked? Is it possible to get a GP letter or something similiar to help you possibly get extensions or additional tests you can sit at a latter date?
ps dont worry, lots of famous didnt go to college and even dropped out, but yes it does help with getting a career later.
You sound pretty bright and driven to me…you will get there ….just TRUST….in yourself….okay?
If you ever want advice re school/study/reading habits, just ask me ….
Remember we are all ‘the product’ of our thoughts & habits. Thye are what make us, so keep ur thoughts positive.
Your more then welcome ….. the only dumb qs in life is the one you didnt ask …so always aks questions others are afraid to ask in class …and in life….its thru questions that we learn ….
stay well 🙂
Sounds like there’s a big part of you that cares…which is awesome! True success in life is being joyous…having joy in your heart. We’re human beings, not human doings….you’re value is not based on anything except for the simple truth that you are valuable.
They say life is 20% what happens and 80% how we react. Here’s the thing, you believe that you reaching your goals is based on the approval of an institution, and that isn’t your fault, but that’s all you know is my guess. So you either find a way to fight for your spot at your school which you can or you find another course of action that feels right for you.
You are being given the opportunity to prove to yourself you have the perseverance and fortitude to give yourself what you want irrespective of the circumstances or your situation so the big question for you is…’How courageous do I want to be’? You’re kicking your depression…that’s awesome…focus on the positives that are going on in your life and build on those…build on what YOU want. Good luck!