Shouldnt they care you just cussed out your sister? Slammed your door shut and yelled ” fuck life”?? Put on depressing music and has refused to eat for two days now? Do they know i want to die? They should by now. Im sick of this shit. Im trying again. Its time for me to go. Hope life lets me go. Fuck life.
I am so sorry you’re in so much pain. I am guessing that your parents don’t know that you want to die. Is there anyone you can talk to?
Killing yourself is not easy. IN fact it is almost impossible to do. I know people succeed at it but most fail. Please consider getting help before you just end up physically and psychologically damaging yourself. Call a crisis hotline. There’s one on the opening page here. Call a friend? Talk to you mom. Talk to a teacher someone. Please
listen, i know how you feel. My mother is in denial, after I over dossed and tried to see a shrink to get better. I hate my family. Maybe that would be a way for you to get out. This site is my family, and it’s your family too. Your family are the people who care. I for one care very much if you live or die.
no parent wants to think “their” child is at such a deep dark place that they will actually “do” something rash like suicide. I know you may not believe it but teens have a habit of high drama and over-reaction to try and ‘get” whatever it is they want (admittedly sometimes need is a critical requirement that the parent has failed o properly identify)
That said – parent are not trained therapists and there is no user’s guide for children/teens that tell them how to handle every situation. On one hand, a parent tries to give their child freedom to express themselves and do certain things. they also try to teach their kids using the only thing the have as a guide – personal experience – this usually come from THeiR parents … which may or may not have been a very useful experience. Parents usually want heir kids to succeed and be good citizens so when the behavior is deemed counterproductive (bad), hey are going to do what they “think” is “helpful”:
1. Punish
2. Ignore (in hopes that the child “gets the message” that the type of behavior will receive a negative response)
3, Get Mad – because times have changed with the economy and both parents are working more to make less money to try and provide the kids with “stuff” that wasn’t even invented when they were kids
then when the kids “scream, yell and cry” – parents can become irritated that the kids are ‘ungrateful” of the parents efforts.
I am NOT justifying ANY of the parent responses – but if you consider how your parents are “responding’ and what they have their “focus’ as to what they think you, the child, should be focusing on and the results they “want” – might I suggest trying to find a behavior and/or method of ‘getting their attention” that will get them to focus on your issues in a positive manner to where their minds will be open and receptive to your needs?
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way advocating that your parent’s behavior is proper nor am i trying to minimize your issues in any way – i’m just trying to suggest and inform as to alternate means of communicating.
as for the “depressing music” – i highly doubt they have any clue what it is, much less what the lyrics say – you’d get the say result by turning on CNN – sorry
Parents have a bad habit of seeing certain behavior as “a phase” that will eventually pass
My sincere suggestion is try try to talk to them as CALMLY and quietly as possible – you want to EDUCATE them as to your feelings – not fight them – most parent REALLY love their kids and really think they are doing what “is best” – instead of suggesting that your parents DON’T love you, try to approach them with – “I KNOW you love me – and I need your help”
i hope this helps and I hope so of the other adults can help add or modify this advice.
papa dawg