Heaven and Hell exist, but only in yourself…
He is not the Devil
The Devil does not exist
He is the darkness that lives within all of us…
Heaven and Hell exist, but only in yourself…
He is not the Devil
The Devil does not exist
He is the darkness that lives within all of us…
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Yup, man made him up! Good stuff!
Someone told me that the Devil actually delivers on its promises.
I wonder if he delivers pizza?
There is no actual devil or hell any more than there is a god or heaven; these are just concepts invented by men with agendas to control others that are scared easily, into obeying them by claiming to speak for a (the) God or Devil that does not exist. What better way to gain power over you than by claiming that a deity has authorized them to speak for Him. That gives them the tacit approval to say anything and make you their slave by uttering total bull shit.
It is a great con game to control the masses by people that do not deserve the right to lead or control you. Don’t fall for it. Just try to be good yourself, and the rest will fall in line. The golden rule is a great way to start.
I came to that EXACT conclusion some 15-20 years ago DR … although there are some good moral (and mortal) teachings in the bible – like the ten commandments for example – that while I don’t believe to be “divine”, are good solid guide of appropriate behavior towards your fellow man
do unto others dawg
One little addendum: while there may or may not be a creator, to believe that He personally wrote a whole book(s) of scripture that contradict themselves once you read all the chapters is foolish and counter productive. If the thought of a higher power gets you through the day then cling to it, but do not rely on the words of man to empower you with supernatural immunity to the crap of life. You have to make your own armor that is fitted exactly for you. Some people are lucky enough to live their whole life with hardly a thing going wrong, while there are others (like me) that have to struggle every day. However whether coasting along or struggling, you can live a long and productive life; the secret is to not give up while you are young enough to turn things around. Let the force be with you. 🙂 DR
BTW. I think that Dawg, has a real head on his shoulders and a total grasp of reality.
You should definitely listen to what he says…he will mot steer you wrong. DR
I hereby swear that Dawg did not pay me to say nice things about him. 🙂
Hmmm – maybe I should start charging to dispense my advice – It might help bail me out of a few of my situations 😉
v*ger dawg