today.. i left my facebook open.. my friend was
wondering how much i pade for a pop of extacy ..
my mother read it .. she flipped out..
so  i left home not wanting to go back..
i met up with my boyfriend .. and finally had my relese
i got cocane… but now sompthing dosnt feel right..
drugs are all i hav to live for..
1 comment
Drugs wont help fix any problems. Drugs are only good for the moment. You should stay away from will only have more problems down the road. Its enough to have stupid people date rape you by drugging should never drug yourself..unless prescribed by a doctor and I would always question a doctor as well due to the fact I had a doctor who almost killed my son by giving him a medication that wasn’t suppose to be giving to a child period..he gave him an adult medication..he survived after being in the hospital for a week.