I feel a little better. Not crying all day long, only here and there. Not paralyzed by despair and unable to function at all. I can see now. No one can, no one will, save me, fix me, see me. I’ve accepted and adjusted. Life is better because I’ve started planning my death, the details are getting me through the day.
Don’t plan your death. There is so much to live for. Try looking at a positive future. I’m not sure whats going on in your life but im free to talk anytime!
Sadly enough, that’s what I found too. I planned my death, got everything in place. Wrote the notes, got the equipment required, and now death is just 10 minutes away at all times.
And yes, it made me feel better. It allowed me to start taking chances, try something new…because I know my original plan is always there…ready to go.
A temporary problem may not require a permanent solution. A permanent problem may not be a problem at all, depending on how you look at it.
It is similar to if you had a 5 billion dollar trust fund that you knew that you were getting at age 25.
It would take off a lot of pressure to be the best in academics/sports/and other extracurricular activities in order to have a good resume for college/trade school and employment.
Because you knew that as long as you did not screw up too bad you would possibly be set for life as long as you lived a moderate lifestyle.
Knowing that you can relatively successfully kill yourself at any time takes the strain and stress out of living. Because you know if it gets too bad you can just die and it would be over. One good thing about options. Means you do not have to deal if you do not want to. And that is exquisite.