I hate my life. I hate my school. I hate everything that’s been going on. I cut everyday because I hate myself. Nothing helps. I hope I get shot. I hate life. I’m tired of my depression and anxiety. I constantly think about suicide. I need seriouse help. I really want to die
I know i’m in no position to tell you to stop hating yourself or whatever it is. But i will still type what i feel.
You hate your life? How imperfect your life is? While you’re typing this post, do you know how many have died from starvation, illness? Is your life worst than theirs? They can’t even choose to live but here you are trying to end your life.
Life is no bed of roses, I struggled too. What you went through, i have too. Its the parts and parcels of life. There was once all my classmates hate me and they ostracised me. I cried everyday. Yes, at that moment, i truly hated myself and began to doubt the reason i’m born into this world.
what can you do, you cant shut everyone mouth and stop them from hating you or talking behind your back. I chose to ignore all those , i chose to live happily, i chose not to be depressed, i chose to live my life for myself and my loved ones (and dont say that you dont have any, stop and look around you).
Why let others upset your life? Perhaps you hate school for other reasons, not getting good grades? and so on..
What i want to say is that You Are Here For A Reason A Purpose.
CUTTING will not stop you from hating yourself, it’s hurting you and i know that you know. Please stop hurting yourself. cutting leaves scars, scars that can never be erased. Why wld you want this kitty?
Suicide will not solve everything because in the end you are leaving behind your family. And they will be the one who gets hurt.
Think for yourself and think for your love ones, kitty.
i know things can be bad, i have had horrible experiences too while in school. i really hope things will get better for you. they got better for me. i dont think hurting yourself is the answer, or killing yourself. i really do believe things will get better though. it may take time but i think it will get better. if you ever just wanna talk you can e-mail me at danielle16yeah@gmail.com take care!:}