I tried to invest my 401k myself (some say gambled) and lost allot and now I cannot retire. I lost my job and my wife diagnosed with cancer could not get healthcare except Cobra which ends soon. I did get a job recently and my wife should get healthcare if all goes well. My son has two DUI”s with drugs will go to jail at a young age. I am having terrible depression anxiety coping over the 401k money loss as I could end up penniless if the new job does not go well whereas I could have retired today or just had a wonderful existance.This depression and anxiety will not go away. My coping is a wonderful wife and if I can afford it a psychologist
In my country there are few options how to get free psychologist. Maybe you could do a research on that? Well it wouldn’t be as good as paid psychologist, but it’s better than nothing. And I am sorry for your loss, keep it together and never give up.
life is tough, u made a bad call with ur money… So what life goes on, u still have ur wife and a kid if care about them u will stay here on Earth, u will get what u need just let it come to u
Hey. Go to http://www.Samaritans.org and check them out. They helped me a lot and they treat you well and don’t judge you. They’re amazing professionals who will help you absolutely free of cost and they’re confidential. Maybe they’ll help you too. Best of luck. If you wanna talk, you can email me at farmerstrong13@hotmail.com too.