That night…. we were all standing together, ya know hanging out. Everything was going good. You seemed depressed. I knew something was wrong. I sat with you and talked. not knowing minutes later you were going to be gone. You said you had to go to the bathroom, which I didn’t think much of so I said Okay. Time passed. I went up to to the top of that hill where I found you crying. You took it right to the heart, then jumped back down to where we were sitting. You were almost gone. The paramedics couldn’t get down to where we were so they left the stretcher at the top of the hill. You stopped breathing as they came down to help carry you up the hill. You died in our arms. I never got to say goodbye. I never should have let you go to the “bathroom.” We all sat there crying with your blood all over our bodies. Few moments passed, and we went to the hospital to make see if they brought you back… but you were gone. Funeral was horrible, I kissed your face goodbye. I think your heart was cremated because your dad is weird but the rest of you went into the ground. You really were gone. you were only 16 almost 17. I miss you. I love you Jimmy. The night of November 30 2010
RIP Jimmy
There is no reason to greive over whats not in your control. Jimmy wouldn’t have wanted you to beat yourself up like this. He would want you try and be happy. As for going to the bathroom- you didn”t know and he didn’t let any clues behind purposley. Its not your fault for what happened.
Its just so hard, i think about that every night. I have so much more to this like loosing my other best friend to two types of cancer. :/
I’m sorry to say least. I’m here to talk to if you want to rant your anger out.